But seriously, Christmas at the cabin consists of sleeping, eating, snowmobiling, reading, and watching movies. Repeat that a couple times and you've covered the whole trip. And it is glorious.
Christmas Eve I woke up feeling just not very great. But, there was work to be done! We still didn't have a Christmas tree! So we set out on an adventure to find the PERFECT tree. And by perfect I mean the smallest, closest, and easiest to cut down and drag back. We did indeed find said tree, and I have to say, I loved it! It was a little bit reminiscent of A Charlie Brown Christmas, but it had character! So we cut it down with our tiny little saw, piled it on the sled with Ikey and me, and dragged it back to the cabin.
We then proceeded to decorate it with whatever we could find lying around. And I have to say, I think it turned out real pretty. But that could just be me.

Welp. We don't need to go into details about the rest of Christmas Eve, I don't think. Remember that part about me waking up not feeling well? Let's just say I spent the day paying homage to the porcelain throne. Not overwhelmingly pleasant. I guess my pops and I got some kind of stomach flu, because we were in bad shape. I remember seeing this quote from the Devil Wears Prada on pinterest a while back, and it highlights the only tiny silver lining to the situation:

Anywhooo, Dad and I slept it off and woke up cured by the Christmas spirit! Christmas morning in the Pitcher fam is a strange combination of groggy irritation at the early wakeup call and the pure elation of present-opening. Anddddd, drum roll please! I got a new camera for Spain! And I loooooove it. It's just a little bit bigger than my camera now, but it has a professional lens and takes gorgeous pictures. I am so excited to have it for my European escapades! But it will most likely turn my into an obnoxious paparazzi wannabe. I already took sooo many pictures at the cabin, here's a few out of the hundreds...
I probably have twenty shots of this exact same view at different times of day. Every picture looks a little different and is absolutely breathtaking. This might be my favorite view, it could give the view of Deer Creek at the top of Provo Canyon a run for its money.
Guys, I'm just really artsy, it's fine. This is my grandma's china that she has displayed at the cabin. I'm obsessed with it, it's so pretty!
This is my beautiful little cousin, Jane. We were playing around taking jumping and silly face pictures, and she told me solemnly that "we should take some pictures of me being serious, too." Haha so we did, and they were actually really beautiful pictures. This one absolutely breaks my heart!
One of the best things about the cabin is that it's always cousin time. This year Steve, Andi, and Shauna's families couldn't come up, but Marcia and Kenton and their crew made the drive from Denver the day after Christmas, and it was so fun to be able to spend a couple days with them. Kenton and Marsh should get an award for making such cute children. Seriously they are ADORABLE. The two youngest, Jane and Tate, sat with me for a round of "in the manner of the adverb." I think, at this point, Mom and Marsh were entertaining us by stealing Perplexus 'fashionably.'
The Richmonds came over on the 27th, so we only got to see them for a little bit, but Chris and I were up to our usual antics right off the bat. This picture was my bad, we said we were going to take a normal picture, and I was still in the world of what is socially acceptable, so I forgot our own special meaning of the word "normal." My bad, dearie.
We got to chat a bit about the big things we both have in store for the next little while. I love you and I am so excited for you!
Back to PC:
New Year's Eve in the real world is kind of a new thing for me. Meaning, we're usually over at the cabin, so we have a set routine of watching a movie, and then breaking out the Martinelli's and banging pots and pans when the clock hits midnight. So when I was faced with the prospect of deciding what to do for the night, I had a couple options. One: hang out at home with my parents. Tempting. Two: venture out to a booze and drug filled Park City bash. Even more tempting. (If you know me at all you should be able to see the sarcasm dripping off those words.) Three: mosey on down to Provo and ring in the New Year with friends who had already come back from home. Ding, ding, we have a winner! My fam went down for the BYU basketball game (we won, and redeemed ourselves a little bit from the nightmarish St. Mary's game), and I just stayed in p-town after that. Brad and Tyler (Tree House Boys) were at the game, so we decided to go redeem our 5 oz. of free YogurtLand - SO YUMMY! The men were dead-set on bbq-ing, so we stopped by the store and grabbed some burgers and fixins, and went back to their house and had some dang good food while sharing our favorite memories from 2011! Then we went to a New Years party and danced our hearts out! We hit a wall right in time for the ball to drop, and welcomed in the new year with root beer toasts and hugs all around. It was a great night indeed!
Hmmm, well that about does it for this break! I am so grateful for the people I have in my life and the blessings I've received, especially in this wonderful holiday season! Back to the hustle and bustle! The week countdown to Spain starts tomorrow!
NSP Moment:
I recently discovered that the bag that contained all my lovely winter peacoats was mistaken for a D.I. bag a few months back. Oops.
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