I came into this semester a little hesitant in regards to my living situation. I absolutely loved the apartment I was moving into, but I signed a contract by myself, so I was going to have 3 new random roommates. I called the management company and they wouldn't even give me their names (little did I know they had given out my name, giving my future roommates license to theorize about how lame "Jessica" probably was ;) hahaha)! Lesbihonest, I was freaking out a lot a bit! I was a little bit worried it was going to turn out something like this:
SNL - The Roommate
Fortunately, I didn't end up with a roommate who puts a kitten in the dryer. Here's the story, we'll start from the beginning:
Rewind 2 years. SPAN 106 my freshman year. It was an accelerated class, and I came in halfway through the semester, so I sat terrified at the table in the back amongst the class who all already knew each other. Luckily, the people at the back table were actually very nice and friendly. One of them was named Melissa. She had dark hair and bangs, and had theeeeee cutest style in the whole world. Fast forward a year and a half. I signed a contract at Lanai with my friends Haleigh and Mauri for Fall 2011. Fast forward two weeks later. I get a call from the management company saying that the owner's daughter and her friend want to live there, so I'm going to have to find another place to live. Oh, coooooool, thanks so much. On the housing hunt again. Christie, Hil, Karissa, and Jules were living in these adorable townhouses right by brick oven, so I hurried and signed one of the last contracts they had, just three doors down from them. I was a little worried, but I figured if it was terrible I could always just spend all my time at Christie's. Fast forward to August of this year. Moving all my stuff into the apartment, sweating like no other, I hear someone (a roommate?!) come into the apartment. Lo and behold, it was indeed Melissa from my Spanish class! Provo is suchhhhh a small world.
So my roommates:
Melissa Gunner - Mission Viejo, CA. Totes hipster-loving, muddy buddy-making, hottie with a body.

Katie Buhler - Loveland, CO. Powderpuff football MVP. SO COOL in high school.
Lindsey Frey - Gig Harbor, WA. My fecetious TV soulmate. Part-time model.

Fastforward to the present. I am leaving for Spain in less than a month. Which means I'm going to have to be without these lovely ladies for three whole months. Considering I went 20 years without them before this semester, that shouldn't be such a big deal, right? WRONG. These roommates have quickly become my best friends, and I have truly been changed for the better because of them. I am so grateful for their amazing examples and true friendship.
Mostly I'm just glad they put up with me and give me the benefit of the doubt when I'm being particularly ridiculous.
I'm going to miss our supes urban pics, stuffing ourselves with nummy treats, and laughing till my stomach aches. I'm going to miss the acceptable usage of abbrevs, the many poor form moments, and matching Sundays.
Mostly I'm just going to miss Linds, KT, and Mela.
